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Media Ambitions is employed by Rosemary and Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs as their external PR to fulfill numerous press initiatives across her entire business empire – Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs, Rosemary Conley Online, Rosemary Conley Enterprises, Rosemary Conley Magazine and We really are an extension of Rosemary’s business.


Rosemary breaks the record for being the oldest celebrity to get the furthest in the history of Dancing on Ice.  She is well known for her realistic and achievable diet and fitness books and DVDs which have consistently topped the best seller lists in the UK with several topping the charts worldwide selling a combined total of more than 10 million copies.


At some point or another since we have been working with Rosemary she has appeared in every national newspaper, featured in most supplements, glossy, weekly, beauty, lifestyle and health and fitness magazines, appeared on national radio and every regional radio station in the country and if that’s not enough she is a regular on websites and national TV programmes including Daybreak, This Morning, Alan Titchmarsh, GMTV, ITN, BBC News 24 and The Wright Stuff.

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